The first was the opening ceremony of the new surgical building of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology on B. Polyanka street. Director of the Research Institute Professor Leonid Roshal expressed gratitude to the Moscow Government, personally to Mayor Y.M. Luzhkov, to the builders and said that this building was absolutely unique, since there were no other similar specialized medical institutions either in Moscow or in the whole world. Yuri Luzhkov also noted the special importance of the center, which will save children and meets all international standards in terms of its modern equipment with all the necessary equipment. Then the Moscow Mayor put into operation the first stage of the Moscow Experimental Plant for Precision Agriculture (MEPPA) on Mytishchinsky Proezd, which produces unique bio-containers for growing crops. “We are opening a plant, but in fact this is the first step in the large-scale introduction of the scientific direction, which will expand and occupy a large space in the practice of our country and abroad,” said Y.M. Luzhkov at the opening ceremony of the plant.