The Vympel stadium hosted the fourth annual sports Olympiad between the organizations of MonArch Concern OJSC, dedicated to the celebration of the Builder’s Day
01 / 08 / 2009

The program included mini-football, volleyball, badminton and tug-of-war tournaments. According to the results of the competition, the winners were revealed: in the mini-football championship, the 1st place was won by the team of ASMI CJSC, the 2nd place - by the team of MonArch and R CJSC, the 3rd place - by the team of MonArch and S CJSC. 1st place in volleyball was also won by ASMI team, 2nd place - by the team of MonArch and C, 3rd place - by the team of MonArch and K. In the badminton tournament, 1st and 2nd places were won by employees of MonArch Concern OJSC, 3rd place was won by a team player from MonArch and M CJSC. In the funniest tug-of-war competition, the first was the team of MonArch and R CJSC, the second place was awarded to the team of MonArch and S CJSC, the third place was won by the team of MonArch TT CJSC. All winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad were awarded cups and diplomas. In the team competition the team of "ASMI" won, which received a challenge cup of MonArch Concern OJSC.

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